Results for 'Paul Ignatius Slee Smith'

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    Think tanks and problem solving.Paul Ignatius Slee Smith - 1971 - London,: Business Books.
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    The Munus of Transmitting Human Life: A New Approach to Humanae Vitae.Janet E. Smith - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):385-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MUNUS OF TRANSMITTING HUMAN LIFE: A NEW APPROACH TO I-IUMANAE VITAE JANET E. SMITH University of Dallas Irving, Texas 'TIRE ONLY ACQUAINTANCE 1bhat most rea;ders have with the Latin of Humanae Vitae is the tit1le. It is likey that fow laymen and perhaps eV'en fow schofars make ire:ferenoe to the Latin text; indeed, it is ireported that I-Iumanae Vitae was originally composed in ltalian, and it seems (...)
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    Trusted research environments are definitely about trust.Paul Affleck, Jenny Westaway, Maurice Smith & Geoff Schrecker - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):656-657.
    In their highly topical paper, Grahamet alargued that Trusted Research Environments (TREs) are not actually about trust because they reduce or remove ‘…the need for trust in the use and sharing of patient health data’. We believe this is fundamentally mistaken. TREs mitigate or remove some risks, but they do not address all public concerns. In this regard, TREs provide evidence for people to decide whether the bodies holding and using their data can be trusted. TREs may make it easier (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility: An Examination of Individual Firm Behavior.Ronald Paul Hill, Debra Stephens & Iain Smith - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (3):339-364.
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    The Gift of Life and the Common Good: The Need for a Communal Approach to Organ Procurement.Paul Lauritzen, Michael McClure, Martin L. Smith & Andrew Trew - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (1):29-35.
    Its critics to the contrary, the “gift of life” metaphor is not to be blamed for the indebtedness and guilt that organ recipients often experience. It is certainly misused, however, both by post‐transplant caregivers, who exploit it to manipulate recipients' behavior, and by the organ procurement system, which has failed to understand that the decision to give the gift of life must be approached communally.
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    Aquinas and Some American Freedoms.Ignatius Smith - 1947 - New Scholasticism 21 (2):105-153.
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    Classification of desires in St. Thomas and in modern sociology..Henry Ignatius Smith - 1915 - [Washington, D.C.,: National capital press, inc.].
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    Christian Philosophy and The Social Sciences.Ignatius Smith - 1936 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 12:11-17.
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    Introduction a la Theologie de St. Thomas.Ignatius Smith - 1928 - New Scholasticism 2 (4):400-401.
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    L’Amitie Avec Dieu.Ignatius Smith - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (2):195-195.
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    Le Docteur Angélique.Ignatius Smith - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (3):267-268.
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    L’Ontologie Du Vedanta.Ignatius Smith - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (3):277-278.
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    Le Thomisme et la Critique de la Connaissance.Ignatius Smith - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (2):170-172.
  14.  29
    Saint Albert Le Grand.Ignatius Smith - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (2):194-195.
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    Soviet Philosophy.Ignatius Smith - 1947 - New Scholasticism 21 (1):91-99.
  16.  28
    Science, Society, Philosophy.Ignatius Smith - 1938 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 14:95-102.
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    St. Thomas Aquinas and Human Social Life.Ignatius Smith - 1945 - New Scholasticism 19 (4):285-321.
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    St. Thomas d’Aquin.Ignatius Smith - 1929 - New Scholasticism 3 (2):189-193.
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    The Functions of Truth in a World at War.Ignatius Smith - 1942 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 18:17-23.
  20. The Militant Christian Virtues.Ignatius Smith - 1942 - The Thomist 4:193.
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    Very Reverend Francis A. Walsh, O.S.B.Ignatius Smith - 1938 - New Scholasticism 12 (4):331-336.
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  22. The Measurement of Capabilities.Paul Anand, Cristina Santos & Ron Smith - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  23. The Measurement of Capabilities.Paul Anand, Cristina Santos & Ron Smith - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Quitte, ou, Double sens: articles sur l'ambiguïté offerts à Ronald Landheer.Paul Bogaards, Johan Rooryck, P. J. Smith & Ronald Landheer (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Rodopi.
    Du sommaire: Ambiguite et comprehension du langage (Paul Bogaards, Johan Rooryck). - Why pluralities don't mean a thing (Crit Cremers). - Aspects of interlingual ambiguity: polyglot punning (Dirk Delabastita). - Les feux de Saint-Antoine (Sjef Houppermans). - The semantics of Dutch moeten 'must, should, have to' from a typological and a relevance-theoretical perspective (Theo Janssen). - L'ambiguite en langue et en discours (Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni).".
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    Symposium: Is there a Problem about Sense-Data?G. A. Paul, H. M. Smith & A. R. M. Murray - 1936 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 15 (1):61-101.
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  26. Reviews : Paul Avis, Foundations of Modern Historical Thought: From Machi avelli to Vico, London: Croom Helm, 1986, £19.95, 179 pp. [REVIEW]Peter Slee - 1988 - History of the Human Sciences 1 (2):275-276.
  27.  15
    Illustrierte Geschichte der Philosophie. [REVIEW]Ignatius Smith - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (2):169-170.
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    La Theorie du Libre Arbitre depuis S. Anselme jusqu’a S. Thomas d’Aquin. [REVIEW]Ignatius Smith - 1930 - New Scholasticism 4 (4):397-400.
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    Metaphysica Generalis. [REVIEW]Ignatius Smith - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (3):274-275.
  30.  14
    Maureen Sullivan, Responses to 101 Questions on Vatican II, Bandra, Mumbai: St. Paul Press 2004, 135 hlm.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (2):262-267.
    Pada 11 Oktober 2012 Gereja Katolik merayakan 50 tahun dibukanya Konsili Vatikan II. Namun demikian, 16 dokumen yang dihasilkan selama Konsili itu berlangsung (11 Oktober 1962-7 Desember 1965) belum dikenal oleh semua umat Katolik. Bahkan ada tidak sedikit umat Katolik yang belum pernah melihat dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa kendati sudah membacanya, namun merasakan sangat sulit untuk memahaminya. Ada pula yang ketika melihat buku tebal yang memuat dokumen-dokumen tersebut langsung merasa terintimidasi dan ketakutan (intimadated), lalu tidak berani membukanya. (...)
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    Harmonizing Voices: François Laruelle and Anthony Paul Smith.Anthony Paul Smith & Mark William Westmoreland - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):22-34.
    The following interview of Mark William Westmoreland with Anthony Paul Smith–well-known scholar and translator of François Laruelle –considers both implications and extensions of Laruelle's non-philosophy for contemporary thought. Smith has helped bring about a surge of interest in Laruelle due to his many translations of his texts as well as being the author or co-editor of several books on Laruelle. Discussed are in particular the difficulties and joys of translating and the usefulness of Laruelle's thought for (...)'s own work, especially in environmental and animal studies. Also considered are some themes of non-philosophy, the adaptability of Laruelle's thought for various disciplines, as well as new paths for Laruelle studies –new, unforeseen landscapes and uses of non-philosophy –that explore social phenomena such as race, racism, sexism, victim a.o. (shrink)
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  32. Functionalism, Qualia, and Intentionality.Paul M. Churchland & Patricia Smith Churchland - 1981 - Philosophical Topics 12 (1):121-145.
  33. Varieties of Deep Epistemic Disagreement.Paul Simard Smith & Michael Patrick Lynch - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):971-982.
    In this paper we discuss three different kinds of disagreement that have been, or could reasonably be, characterized as deep disagreements. Principle level disagreements are disagreements over the truth of epistemic principles. Sub-principle level deep disagreements are disagreements over how to assign content to schematic norms. Finally, framework-level disagreements are holistic disagreements over meaning not truth, that is over how to understand networks of epistemic concepts and the beliefs those concepts compose. Within the context of each of these kinds of (...)
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  34. Failing to deliver: why pregnancy is not a disease.Paul Rezkalla & Emmanuel Smith - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics (1):1-2.
    In their article ’Is Pregnancy a Disease? A Normative Approach’, Anna Smajdor and Joona Räsänen contend that, on several of the most prominent accounts of disease, pregnancy should be considered a disease. More specifically, of the five accounts they discuss, each renders pregnancy a disease or suffers serious conceptual problems otherwise. They take issue specifically with the dysfunction account of disease and argue that it suffers several theoretical difficulties. In this response, we focus on defending the dysfunction account against their (...)
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    On the Contrary: Critical Essays, 1987-1997.Paul M. Churchland & Patricia Smith Churchland (eds.) - 1998 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    This collection was prepared in the belief that the most useful and revealing of anyone's writings are often those shorter essays penned in conflict with...
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    Paul Elmer More.Paul F. Smith - 1937 - Modern Schoolman 14 (4):76-79.
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    St. Paul Among the Philosophers, edited by John D. Caputo and Linda Martín Alcoff.Anthony Paul Smith - 2011 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 42 (3):335-337.
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    Discerning the Subject.Paul Smith - 1988 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
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    Misconduct and Misbehavior Related to Authorship Disagreements in Collaborative Science.Elise Smith, Bryn Williams-Jones, Zubin Master, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Adèle Paul-Hus, Min Shi & David B. Resnik - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):1967-1993.
    Scientific authorship serves to identify and acknowledge individuals who “contribute significantly” to published research. However, specific authorship norms and practices often differ within and across disciplines, labs, and cultures. As a consequence, authorship disagreements are commonplace in team research. This study aims to better understand the prevalence of authorship disagreements, those factors that may lead to disagreements, as well as the extent and nature of resulting misbehavior. Methods include an international online survey of researchers who had published from 2011 to (...)
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    Reason and religion in Socratic philosophy.Nicholas D. Smith & Paul Woodruff (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume brings together mostly previously unpublished studies by prominent historians, classicists, and philosophers on the roles and effects of religion in Socratic philosophy and on the trial of Socrates. Among the contributors are Thomas C. Brickhouse, Asli Gocer, Richard Kraut, Mark L. McPherran, Robert C. T. Parker, C. D. C. Reeve, Nicholas D. Smith, Gregory Vlastos, Stephen A. White, and Paul B. Woodruff.
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    Arguments as abstract objects.Paul Simard Smith, Andrei Moldovan & G. C. Goddu - unknown
    In recent discussions concerning the definition of argument, it has been maintained that the word ‘argument’ exhibits the process-product ambiguity, or an act/object ambi-guity. Drawing on literature on lexical ambiguity we argue that ‘argument’ is not ambiguous. The term ‘argument’ refers to an object, not to a speech act. We also examine some of the important implications of our argument by considering the question: what sort of abstract objects are arguments?
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    Researchers’ Perceptions of Ethical Authorship Distribution in Collaborative Research Teams.Elise Smith, Bryn Williams-Jones, Zubin Master, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Adèle Paul-Hus, Min Shi, Elena Diller, Katie Caudle & David B. Resnik - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):1995-2022.
    Authorship is commonly used as the basis for the measurement of research productivity. It influences career progression and rewards, making it a valued commodity in a competitive scientific environment. To better understand authorship practices amongst collaborative teams, this study surveyed authors on collaborative journal articles published between 2011 and 2015. Of the 8364 respondents, 1408 responded to the final open-ended question, which solicited additional comments or remarks regarding the fair distribution of authorship in research teams. This paper presents the analysis (...)
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  43.  8
    Failing to deliver: why pregnancy is not a disease.Paul Rezkalla & Emmanuel Smith - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):52-53.
    In their article ‘Is Pregnancy a Disease? A Normative Approach’, Anna Smajdor and Joona Räsänen contend that, on several of the most prominent accounts of disease, pregnancy should be considered a disease. More specifically, of the five accounts they discuss, each renders pregnancy a disease or suffers serious conceptual problems otherwise. They take issue specifically with the dysfunction account of disease and argue that it suffers several theoretical difficulties. In this response, we focus on defending the dysfunction account against their (...)
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    After the postsecular and the postmodern: new essays in continental philosophy of religion.Anthony Paul Smith & Daniel Whistler (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Continental philosophy of religion has been dominated for two decades by "postsecular" and "postmodern" thought. This volume brings together a vanguard of scholars to ask what comes after the postsecular and the postmodern that is, what is Continental philosophy of religion now? Against the subjugation of philosophy to theology, After the Postsecular and the Postmodern: New Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion argues that philosophy of religion must either liberate itself from theological norms or mutate into a new practice of (...)
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  45. Arguments as Abstract Objects.Paul L. Simard Smith & Andrei Moldovan - 2011 - Informal Logic 31 (3):230-261.
    In recent discussions concerning the definition of argument, it has been maintained that the word ‘argument’ exhibits the process-product ambiguity, or an act/object ambigu-ity. Drawing on literature on lexical ambiguity we argue that ‘argument’ is not ambiguous. The term ‘argu-ment’ refers to an object, not to a speech act. We also examine some of the important implications of our argument by considering the question: what sort of abstract objects are arguments?
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    Seeing the Points of Connection.Richard Smith & Paul Standish - 2018 - In Stefan Ramaekers & Naomi Hodgson, Past, Present, and Future Possibilities for Philosophy and History of Education: Finding Space and Time for Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 33-46.
    Paul Standish:Some people might expect us to start by explaining why we have written this chapter as a dialogue. Leaving aside the fact that Plato – to whom all philosophy, it has been said, is a series of footnotes – wrote in dialogue form, and never seems to have felt the need to tell us why, we might say that we have written it in this way because it is a dialogue. We push ideas to and fro, question each (...)
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  47. Incentives and Justice: G A Cohen's Critique of Rawls.Paul Smith - 1998 - Social Theory and Practice 24 (2):205-235.
    An egalitarian interpretation and defence of Rawls's principles of justice and their institutional and policy implications in response to G. A. Cohen's criticisms of Rawls's alleged justification of unequalizing incentives.
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  48. Teaching Right and Wrong: Moral Education in the Balance.Richard Smith & Paul Standish - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (4):481-482.
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  49. Drugs, morality and the law.Paul Smith - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (3):233–244.
    A critical survey of arguments for and against the morality and the legality of recreational drug use, deploying Feinberg's analysis of liberty-limiting principles.
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    Francois Laruelle's Principles of Non-Philosophy: A Critical Introduction and Guide.Anthony Paul Smith - 2015 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    In Principles of Non-Philosophy, Laruelle develops the concepts and method of a more democratic form of thought where neither science nor philosophy is subjected to one another, but brought together in a more productive theoretical and practical relationship. While the potential importance of this project is clear, Laruelle remains famously difficult. Anthony Paul Smith provides an introduction and guide to the text that situates you amongst the figures and concepts Laruelle engaged with, provides a foothold for your own (...)
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